
Matthew, I entirely agree; the reality of merit is what will do for the woke, for the leftist teachers who want to do away with grades precisely because it will reveal what an awful job they have done teaching our children all the while they have been indoctrinating them. But the best revenge is hard work, merit and ability. Thats where we will win

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Yes, its appalling and dangerous; it reminds me of the Cultural Revolution in China in the late 60's-early 70's; the hysteria, the intolerance, the idiotic smugness. JL was right to champion Jeffersonian free speech and the danger these barbarians pose

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You mention that students ought to learn, by the time they leave college, to grow up and act like adults; what's shocking to me is that these were post-graduate students, at least 22 years old if not older. They missed the boat, best to do something else.... maybe work as a long-haul trucker or electrical line repairman on the Great Plains? Those would be honest livings that may teach a thing or two.

Thankfully, the benchmark of competency will filter most of them out anyway; the name of the school on their diploma will give them, maybe, 3-5 years of advantage over peers who went to a state school (that's IF they can pass the bar...). But those who were busy whining about the Federalist Society instead of mastering the intricacies of tort law will, eventually, show that they aren't quite up to the practice of law, a brutal field if done right and well.

Of course, the Obama's both had law degrees but couldn't hack being either firm lawyers or involved in the grit of criminal law (prosecutors or defense lawyers) and look what that got us...

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Free speech is fine unless of course I disagree with what you say....what’s with the snapping of the fingers? I know that a lot of people go to law school for the wrong reasons which was clearly demonstrated in that video

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