
Yes it is arrogant, and it will go on, but in practical power terms it will matter less and less (the BBC analogy is a very good one). I saw this a quarter century ago, amidst all the cheerleading for the superstate, and like Gibbon, I am very happy to be in at the end.

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Hi Simon, thanks ever so much for your strong and kind support for our work; its must to my ears! Yes, we will be circling back to what the Labour government means that Tory fecklessness has wrought (and I've known them all, and despaired for a long while). Sadly, you are right about the EU as the UK will ignore the more useful Anglosphere strategic orientation. Glad to hear Zelensky sent getting between us as he shouldn't; lets focus on the high stuff. Thanks again and we promised to keep them coming and keep up the standards! fondly, John

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I think that wine will be the only way to get through it; I'll let you know how our Italian red does! Enjoy

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No, it is a land that any sort of fiscal reality has left behind, for all its many advantages.

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As I wrote in a thought piece for insurance investors yesterday: "Trial and error always Trump theory – a concept that is utterly foreign, intellectually incomprehensible and psychologically unacceptable to the elites of the European Union just as it was to its historic template, the Soviet Union. Bureaucracy is arrogant. Bureaucracy fails, but does not yield."

So yes, the EU is at the end, but it will go on nonetheless. A bit like the BBC: no one watches it anymore, but it still collects tv licenses.

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Hi John - an exceptionally good episode amongst consistently exceptional episodes!

I look forward to your coverage of the election in the UK (and Farage / Reform in particular) as we're about to be burdened with a government apparently hell bent on taking revenge for years of Tory mismanagement post Brexit.

Closer political alignment with the EU will , sadly, be top of the list.

(And just to add that I've been very quiet since your comment about Zelensky and his stupid green shirt - we still disagree on Ukraine to a degree, but I'm less emotive about it ... haha).

Anyway, keep up the good work.


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And Chris and I will be joining you and Sarah during the debate, but with wine!

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John, even in my line of work I see what you are saying. A few years back, I was on an international committee of nurses who do what I do. I met awfully nice colleagues from Europe. I was really surprised about their work flow and endless amounts of supplies they used. There was never a concern about following a budget, ever.

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