
Hi Terri, greetings from the American Airlines lounge in NY as I wait for my flight back over. The polling is clear on this; abortion helps the Dems politically. just as immigration and inflation really help the Republicans. These second two issues are regularly the most important to Americans, but the fervour of the abortion issue does matter for the Dems and will help drive up turnout. However, in general I think we are down to this as the election becomes a sprint: If Trump talks about most of the issues he wins; if Kamala convinces voters she has moderated her positions (she has not) she wins. Stirring days ahead.

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Safe travels!

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I am a little worried about the presidential election. Without stating my personal opinion, I think the overturn of Roe v Wade was not helpful for the Republicans. Strategically, they should have left it alone until after the election. Timing is everything…

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they = The Supreme Court. The current Supreme Court is directly linked to Donald Trump

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