
Thanks Terri, yes, the heat is blistering but everyone is having a great time. We did come across the moving Vietnam Nurses' Memorial, the kids asked about the evocative sculpture and so we shared a moment there. What a sacrifice, what honour. Tomorrow its the Capitol Hill tour with the Speaker's office (exciting), Air and Space and Archives before we head back. The great news is the whole entourage has had a great trip and we will be back here very soon! Thanks about the advice for Donald; I have a good feeling but lets see...

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Thats exactly what we are thinking!

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I am hoping beyond hope for a calm, rational Donald. I honestly wish he could listen to this!

The Vietnam Nurses Memorial… I think of them often. Even on the worst days I ever had working in the ER & ICU, I never had days like they did, or any nurse that has served in wartime

Stay hydrated with plenty of sunscreen and thanks for this!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I think Virginia is in play.

In case Youngkin can bring Virginia, it is over for Biden.

And, he can campaign as a quasi-local in Pennsylvania.

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