Yes, an entirely different feel to Blair's genuine landslide as this one is faux. I agree (and we will do big think substance on this soon) that until and unless an advanced industrial society can regularly grow at about 2percent it is definitionally in decline. All the other nonsense is secondary to this, from football, to Wimbledon, to the Royal Family to the soap opera of the Tory Party). If you are bust that overrides any policy 'plans' or arguments about what to do with largesse. This is the great secret of both the UK and Europe; sclerosis is the story. While I think it will take Farage and/or the Tories a while (after all he's starting from a very low base) to catch Labour, given Ed's self-harming green agenda and the above point there is simply no way Labour can be a policy success without addressing this fundamental reality. All these governments days are numbered until they do.
Starmer achieved a huge majority with 1 in 3 votes, when Corbyn lost with a higher vote share in 2019. Starmer's honeymoon seems over already (or never got started) - the difference with Tony Blair 1997 is tangible.
Past failure Ed Miliband is a massive risk to the country's economic future.
Besides: the country is bust. No war over spoils, as there are none to distribute.
It all depends on the tactical success of Nigel Farage how long this government can outlast reality.
Yes, an entirely different feel to Blair's genuine landslide as this one is faux. I agree (and we will do big think substance on this soon) that until and unless an advanced industrial society can regularly grow at about 2percent it is definitionally in decline. All the other nonsense is secondary to this, from football, to Wimbledon, to the Royal Family to the soap opera of the Tory Party). If you are bust that overrides any policy 'plans' or arguments about what to do with largesse. This is the great secret of both the UK and Europe; sclerosis is the story. While I think it will take Farage and/or the Tories a while (after all he's starting from a very low base) to catch Labour, given Ed's self-harming green agenda and the above point there is simply no way Labour can be a policy success without addressing this fundamental reality. All these governments days are numbered until they do.
Starmer achieved a huge majority with 1 in 3 votes, when Corbyn lost with a higher vote share in 2019. Starmer's honeymoon seems over already (or never got started) - the difference with Tony Blair 1997 is tangible.
Past failure Ed Miliband is a massive risk to the country's economic future.
Besides: the country is bust. No war over spoils, as there are none to distribute.
It all depends on the tactical success of Nigel Farage how long this government can outlast reality.
The Battle of Algiers is #1 on many lists of best political movies
So much to learn!