
Hi Terri, Many thanks for this. The book is going great, with the rough just about done. We will spend the rest of the summer editing to meet deadlines so the work is far from done but we are getting there. Best to you and yours and keep reading1 Fondly, John

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I am almost caught up! I fell behind on the podcast trying to fill in some gaps in my recollection of history! I hope the book is going well! I wanted to share that I took care of a US Army veteran who served in Cuba, during the crisis! I couldn’t believe it! He was so sweet, and I thanked him up and down.. He said that was before your time and I told him I was born in ‘66, and if not for the sacrifices he made for our country, who knows how different my life would be or even if it would be!

My favorite part of nursing, meeting people from EVERY background. Despite our so called differences, people have a lot in common, more than some would admit!

Take care John!! All the best to you and your family!

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