
Precisely Terri; many I not most American families have a success story like yours (mine does) which we cherish. Lets talk calmly about doing this right, ignore the MSM and actually master a problem for a change!

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Me too, my grandparents immigrated from Germany, Ireland and Britain. My maiden name was Hartman. Take care John! So glad I am here. Have a great day!

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Yes, as I mentioned the far right in Europe are a continuum in terms of their detoxification; the lazy mainstream media approach that 'they are all Nazis' says more about an imperilled elite than anything else. In terms of success at this, again, Meloni in Italy is all the way there, Le Pen in France is well on her way and the German AfD do surely have the longest way to go. But this is more about elite failure, as the three groups that succeeded yesterday (AfD, BSW, CDU) were the only ones to even question the last decade's worth of immigration policy. Until they do, their numbers will continue to slide.

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Yes, the youth vote for AfD a stark reminder that the elites' problem will grow only greater with the passage of time, in line with my general argument. Nice line about Gretchen and Greta!

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Yes I met her in her abysmal days as German Defence Minister: appalling, incompetent and trivial. She failed upwards, her only qualification was her subservience to Merkel. As to the data, Christopher Caldwell is excellent on making the cost-benefit case against mindless immigration, putting together all the negative data in one piece. Impressive and necessary work

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Hiya John

Great piece - look forward to getting the Founders threads - how do I get these as they don't seem to land.



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I have Lebanese family members who belong to St. Maron Parish. Mr. Gantous and his brothers legally immigrated to America and settled in Cleveland. They had no money. Worked menial jobs, learned English and eventually opened their own restaurants. Mr. Gantous helped put all 4 of his kids through college. He is the most grateful, patriotic American I know. I love that branch of my family so much.

Wanting secure borders and legal immigration is the right thing to do, I am tired of being told otherwise by MSM

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The mainstream media is presenting it as though it’s similar to the Nazi’s

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The 18-24 age group in Thueringen voted 37% AfD for 6% greens.

Gretchen does not vote for Greta.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Von der Leyen in the EU is a Merkel copycat.

Note: the dismal data on all illegal immigration (prostitution, drugs trade, thefts, violent crime, maffia clans) are conveniently hidden underneath the superb data of legal immigration (professionals, stable families, tax and social security contributions).

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