Jun 14Liked by John Hulsman

This surprising lesson from the EU elections was the young vote, such as in Germany.

AfD and Union won the vote below 30, AfD in fact led the 16-24 year old vote, beating the green party into insignificance.


The lazy assumption that the young vote "progressive" is just an assumption.

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Jun 14Liked by John Hulsman

Really enjoyed this! Thanks for explaining about the war games, I was curious..

I wish Trump would tone down his rhetoric and act more dignified, but it’s not who he is.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

On the media: they have lost their influence to alternative channels. Online, video-platforms etc. People over here in Europe stop paying their tv licenses (does not exist over in the US), because they don't watch. Farage proposes scrapping the BBC license fees. He won't win, but the proposal is there and will be regurgitated the next 5 years.

On the tip-front, here in the UK, Farage proposes to raise the threshold to £20,000 before paying taxes. That would help most people in the unofficial economy - like zero hours contractors and tip-dependent starters in life. The poor left is going to vote Farage, not Corbyn.

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