
Its a great song! Its been a totally craze week (we have another special report today on the Gaza ceasefire) but rest assured I long to return to the culture!

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Jun 1Liked by John Hulsman

John, I totally understand! I just love those moments when a song provides a

comforting moment. I dreaded the verdict yesterday because of the chaos that came with it in the media, and the conversations at work. It’s exasperating. That’s why I love following you!

But unexpectedly, that song came on the radio, and the lyrics were comforting, the culture came to me yesterday…

Have a great weekend!!

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I think there is a segment (to be very precise) of 'right-leaning independent voters' (3 or so percent of the cohort) who may adopt a 'plague on both your houses' point of view. They dont like either the conviction or the lawfare and may turn to Bobby. I'd guess his overall support following this goes up a couple of points. With the margins narrow, this could matter but I also think Trump"s numbers will hold steady/jump up a few points as well. The Biden team will be the big loser here. Thanks my friend for all your support!

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Yes, that's the only path to a Biden victory. The sun belt has drifted away (Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia). He has to draw an inside straight in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania (where he's slightly behind in all 3) or its over. The VP pick is unlikely to matter much (usually they dont) but you are spot on as to the geographical focus.

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Erik, you are following fashion and wiring us off a little too soon. Yes, political risk and Washington as the weakness, but the US is also easily the worlds most. successful advanced economy (dwarfing Europe over the past 15), most technologically advanced, best army, most emulated culture. And what are your options really? French autonomy (laughable given their economics), China and its terrible demography, real estate bubble et al. Come on

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I would be interested in your perspective if this will help Bobby Kennedy? That is, is there a segment of the republican party that simply won't vote for trump, not because of the verdict but because he is too much of a loose cannon? Could this then result in Trump not being elected?

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I know culture day was bumped due to verdict. But I heard “Everybody’s talking at me” by Nillson on the radio today… perfect choice!

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It's really only Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that matter. That should be on Trump's mind when selecting a VP candidate.

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A consequence for us Europeans is that we cannot trust the USA anymore... It is a farcical third world country in political terms, more like South America or Africa (not that standards in governance in the EU are very much higher).

But it pays for us now to maintain several options, besides a blind faith in the USA. The smart guy opens multiple channels.

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