
I entirely agree there has been repetitional damage; worse, the Dems norms-busting (lawfare is just the most egregious recent example) will become the way things are done, at least for a while. However, it isn't so easy to get away from what you rightly describe as the most successful developed economy, best military, and the preeminent cultural force. To put it mildly, China (the only other peer competitor) has massive reputational problems (Uighurs, bully the region, Mao's whispered genocidal legacy), the EU doesn't really work, and Russia is not the answer to any question. A different sort of alliance structure with the US may make sense for the rest of the world; but as is true for the dollar there is presently nothing to take its place

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Thanks Terri, jet lagged but just had a nice catch up birthday dinner with John here in NY so all's well.

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Must dash Erik, but thanks for all this

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Lets face it; its all rubbish. However, I think the main problem is that the Dems expect the rest of us to have amnesia about their election shenanigans in 2016 and 2020; almost every single Republican I've spoken with this week has led with this crucial point. They are morally blind as to their own corruption. They will reap the whirlwind.

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Yes, precisely, as have I.

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You can’t believe you had to say Stormy Daniels and I cannot believe I was mentioned in the same Substack as her. It made me LOL in a good way!!

Happy Birthday!

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I have signed hundreds of NDAs, some of them with compensation, either direct, or in compensation of the underlying topic we signed an NDA for.

And, those ARE legal expenses. It is a legal step, a contractual arrangement conducted for its legal protections.

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This is why I point out that other countries, with justification, have second thoughts about the "Shining City on the Hill". It is no longer an example to be emulated, despite its innovative and successful economy. Therefore, the rest of us need to look further, strategically and economically.

Insider trading laws for the plebs, but not for Pelosi.

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