
Yes, his drift to the GOP is entirely explained by the way he was treated by the other Kennedys, Big Tech, and (behind both) the Democratic Party. Entirely an unforced error

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by John Hulsman

There is a further HUGE risk to democracy and free speech. You and I get invited to these "forums" and enjoy the champaign and salmon there.

There are the foundations which benefit from tax free status and truly NIL overview, regulation or governance. Yes, the Gates foundation and others like it.

1. They invest totally tax free, therefore no one really can compete with them.

2. They are politically connected and benefit from a pristine status as if they are angels on earth. They use their fake "for the good" nameplate causes for that.

3. They use their fake "saving the world" cause and their political connections to generate extra income for themselves and for the companies they invest in (Gates and BiONTECH come to mind). The tax payer invests in these crooked ventures, provides first contracts, and the foundations IPO the technology that will "save the world" at unsupportable valuations.

4. They send in young political activists for "Just Stop Oil", "Black Lives Matter" or other such violent, subversive (and one might say, anti-West or anti-American) activities, for which these young fools face jail, or personal injury, while staying out of the fray and out of sight through multiple intermediate passthrough entities passing handouts to support these young fools. This is reminiscent of the dirt poor drug mules facing 35 years of jail, while the drug barons live in palaces.

Time to watch the Godfater one more time.

Go Get Gates!

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Bobby Jr. totally thrown under the bus by his family and completely censored

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